Ladies and Gentleman,
The scholarship helped me a lot, especially with my new master’s degree.
With this help, I could finance my livelihood more easily and concentrate better on the artistic goals.My activities in the past academic year:
- Lecturer for piano, minor subject, at the University of Music and Dance Cologne
- Performance by F.Liszt Piano Concerto No.2 A major with the Philharmonic Orchestra Südwestfalen
- Piano evenings in Leipzig and Cologne.
- World premiere of works by young composers: i.a. Hovik Sardaryan at the Wolfgang Rihm Forum in Karlsruhe.
- Specialization in the field of performance practice, especially with the help of Prof. Gerald Hambitzer and performance by J.S.Bach, Brandenburg Concerto No.5 D major BWV 1050 on harpsichord and a concert with lute and piano in the Catholic university community in Cologne.
- Master intermediate exam with works by J.S.Bach and A.Schönberg, which was rated 1.0.
- 4 concerts at Namedy Castle in July and August 2017
- Piano recital in Heidelberg, Alte Aula with works by J.S.Bach,
- A.Schönberg and R.Schumann on 10.08.2017
- Piano and Chamber Music Masterclass with Prof.Claudio Martinez Mehner from 03.09 to 07.09 in Livorno, Italy.
Future plans:
- A CD and video production with works by M.Reger, F.Busoni and Wolfgang Rihm.
- Fortepiano Master studies with Prof. Gerald Hambitzer parallel to my piano studies.
- Participation in the international Bach Competition in July 2018 in Leipzig.
I would like to thank the Fondation Clavarte.
Best regardsArash Rokni